We offer a comprehensive set of services in support of nonprofit organizations, including:
We help individuals at every step of forming a tax-exempt nonprofit organization, including selecting the right legal structure to achieve organizational goals and preparing the application to qualify for federal income tax exemption.
We help new and established organizations comply with federal and state laws governing matters such as unrelated business income, private inurement/private benefit, foreign grant making activities, scholarship programs, expenditure responsibility, voting memberships, charitable contributions, fundraising, charitable registrations and solicitations, state and local tax exemptions, and lobbying and political activities.
We help organizational leaders craft bylaws which are tailored to meet their specific governance objectives. We also draft policies on a broad range of issues, including conflict of interest, whistleblower, document retention, public disclosures, financial transparency, gift acceptance, lobbying/political activities, executive compensation, and fundraising.
Fiscal Sponsorship
We help organizations craft fiscal sponsorship arrangements that protect the tax exempt status of the sponsoring organization and the fiscal objectives of the sponsored organization.
We guide organizations through the dissolution process when the time has come to end operations, assisting with both state corporate and federal tax requirements for a proper and smooth winding down of activities.
General Counsel Services
We offer legal services typically provided by in-house counsel, including drafting and reviewing contracts, MOUs, and other formal agreements with third parties; identifying potential liabilities and risks in business operations; and supporting boards of directors.

Important Note About Using This Web site. We provide the information on this Web site for general informational purposes. You cannot take the information on this Web site as specific legal advice as to any matter. If you have a legal problem, you should obtain advice from an attorney who will analyze the specific circumstances of your issues. The articles, information and links to other sources of information or services on this site may not be current or applicable to your situation. You should not treat such information as providing answers or resolutions to your specific legal issues.